Check out some of our latest blog posts!

Plastic waste removal

Celebrating Our Commitment to a Cleaner Planet: Honest Solutions LTD Partners with Everwave

We at Honest Solutions LTD are excited to partner with Everwave to commission the removal of 1000kg of plastic waste from Fierza Lake in North Albania, as part of our commitment to environmental sustainability. Join us in supporting a cleaner, greener planet!


Published on 2024-07-19.

Blog Image Person Typing on Laptop With Book Nearby

Transitioning From University To Work

What is it like to begin a new chapter in your life? To go from studying to managing the responsibilities of a full-time job? I will share my experiences in this blog.

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Published on 2024-06-24.

Blog Image Computer Screen With Frontend Code On It

React Overview

There is a lot of discussion surrounding React. But what does it offer developers exactly? How do its features function? And what uses can we make of them?

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Published on 2024-06-24.

Blog Image People Shaking Hands In Office

How To Excel In Your Internship

Internships are a fantastic opportunity to learn, grow, and potentially secure a future job offer. Here’s how I managed to stand out during my time as an intern, and how you can too.

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Published on 2024-06-24.

Blog Image Person Being Interviewed

How To Get Accepted Into An Internship

An internship is a significant step toward building a successful career. It can be competitive and daunting, but with the right approach, you can significantly increase your chances of being accepted...

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Published on 2024-06-24.

Blog Image Computer Screen With Backend Code

Experiencing Backend Development

As a software engineer, I‘ve had to explore both areas of the stack, frontend and backend. A field that caught my eye was server-side development, which this blog will explore...

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Published on 2024-06-24.

Blog Image Happy Interns Talking

Navigating The Learning Curve: My Internship Journey

Embarking on an internship program is an exciting, but also a challenging adventure. The learning curve can be steep, but it’s an invaluable experience that shapes our career...

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Published on 2024-06-24.

Blog Image Person Typing On Laptop

Our Experience Building a Website with Remix and Sanity

When taking into consideration which technologies to build our new HS website in, we decided upon Remix and Sanity Studio. This is how that process went...

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Published on 2024-03-15.